Season statistics

Last but not least: we offer season statistics. We calculate a wide range of stats for you like the number of matches, matches played, goals scored, clean sheets, yellow cards, average goals per minute, etc

To request this, you can use our season by id endpoint with the include stats. The response below will give you all the season statistics of the Bundesliga 2019/2020 ( id: 16264) season.{API_TOKEN}&include=stats

And that rounds up the tutorial about statistics.

Interested in the detailed team or player level? Please note that you can use the below includes to add this information:

stats.topscorer, stats.assisttopscorer, stats.mostcleansheetsteam, stats.mostcleansheetsgoalkeeper, stats.mostgoalsteam, stats.mostgoalspermatchteam, stats.mostconcededgoalsteam, stats.mostcornersteam

In our next extra tutorial, we’re going to discuss standings.

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