New endpoints and data features
Thanks to our new back-end structure, we can offer more data features and new endpoints. (i.e. ball coordinates, referee and coach statistics)
New Endpoints
Search endpoints for all entities with a name field
Extra endpoints for each entity
All endpoints for most entities
Available in core:
Base entities;
Types endpoint
All Types
Type By ID
My endpoints (to check your own data features)
Data Features endpoint
My Data Features
My Endpoints
My Leagues
Search endpoints for all entities with a name field
Extra endpoints for each entity
League priority
You can now prioritize the leagues you want to view. In MySportmonks you can change the priority of all leagues in your subscription. You can simply sort them according to your liking, and the API will show leagues in this specific order when requesting leagues.
New Data Features
Offsides events for major leagues
Detailed player positions
Shots on/off target events for major leagues
Placeholder games available (finals, etc)
Ball coordinates (semi-live)
Forecast weather report
Expanded predictions
Predictive lineups
Coach statistics
Referee statistics
Period statistics
More statistics in general
League priority configuration
Last updated
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